Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio has been with us for decades both as a hobby and a sport to some.

In an age where both man made and economically induced disasters can and do happen,  the need for a fail safe fallback communications  capacity been more relevant than ever before.

In a catastrophe, the need for an alternative communications strategy follows clearly from the above and an amateur radio capacity is a recommended resource component of a comprehensive self-preservation strategy.  To this end, the site encourages members to procure the knowledge and licencing to operate an amateur radio station.

Amateur radio fills this societal need and more.

We Prepare enthusiastically supports the Licencing of all Amateur Radio Operators. It is a smart thing to do.

Besides this, it is a fun and interesting hobby.

To operate legally and make use of repeaters etc, you need a License and you need to pass an Exam.-The RAE exam


To help you pass that RAE Exam this site contains a series of practice tests that are designed to rapidly test and develop your knowledge.

Access to the Ham Study menu Requires Registration Fee

If you Register, then your results are automatically saved on your profile. You will also appear on the Leader Board and a history of your Results will be saved onto your profile -you can monitor your progress.

More Than 1,100 aspirant Hams made use of this site to prepare for the RAE exam.

To Register, Click on the Register button in the top Right Corner of the Home Page. Complete the details as requested and then  Activate Your membership when requested to do so.

Then make Payment  of the once off the R180 fee.

Payment by EFT please!

Payment Details

On Receipt of Your proof of payment ( within about 2 working days) , your access level will be upgraded to Full including the Ham Study menu and the Test Index

POPs to

See Ham Study in the main menu for tools available.

The Learning Module is located in Test Index on the main menu under Ham Study which is only visible to Paid Up members.

Registration and a once off fee of  R180 will give you access to the Test Index and Flash Cards which are designed  to  help you pass the RAE exam and win a  Ham Radio License . You can pay by EFT .