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Access and Security:Staff

Access and Security:Staff

Identify your residents or those with authorized access

Home Security

It is often that wisdom comes after the fact. details or records of workers, contactors, gardners and other visitors are required in the immediate post mortem of an unwanted intrusion or break-in and they are nowhere to be found.

There is a need for a record to be kept of all staff, temporary employees or casual staff who have gained access to your premises.

No doubt, it is proven fact that the vast majority of private and even business break-ins are the result of inside knowledge. Most often this knowledge is gained by temporary staff or even permanent staff.

Frequently these staff or temporary staff are citizens of neighbouring countries or so called Asylum Seekers. Equally common are those who have obtained ZA id documentation fraudulently and who have ostensibly authentic ID books – but these are fakes. In some cases, these fake ID’s are of a different person completely but with authentic photos.

The simplest way in which one can take precautions is to photograph all visitors and staff who enter your premises. In practice this is not always feasible but one should make a start.

Start with your current family and staff. In practice this is not that simple but one can start by getting proper photographs and copies of any available ID documentation and storing that information offsite.

The reason for storing that info offsite is because of the high probability that either your cell phone or PC will stolen at some stage.

We Prepare can a provide a simple template for doing the basics and a process for uploading that data to a secure site where it can be retrieved later. It also provides a mechanism for those who want to go a step further and produce a simple ID card for authorised staff.

Many contracted security companies now insist on a list of staff and family likely to be onsite as well as cars/vehicles in use. The same data can be used to identify authorised vehicles by producing a discreet sticker. Very useful for community protection and block watch organisations whereby foreign vehicles can be quickly identified. These stickers will however need to be updated periodically.

If you interested and require further detail, then please contact us.

Written by:  - 18 May, 2018 (Viewed 2162 times)