What are the Key factors to ensure successful Pit to Car communications?

What are the Key factors to ensure successful Pit to Car communications?

Key aspects to ensure reliable VHF/UHF communications.


What are the Key factors to ensure successful Pit to Car communications?

Surprisingly. The transmission power of the portable handheld transceiver is not the most important aspect. Good communications are quite possible with low power devices provided that the equipment is properly and securely installed, earthed and has accurately tuned antenna located optimally.

In the car, it is important to install the radio securely and eliminate vibration, heat and RF nose. The engine compartment is a no-no and any solid mounting around the driver’s seat is a good place to start. A Radio Box or Clip mount is recommended and a loose radio is not only likely to rapidly shorten its life but may in itself become a lethal missile in an accident.

Most commercially available radios will have sufficient battery life for a 3-hour race at least and it is not recommended that they are wired into the race cars electrical power circuit. This eliminates most RF noise issues from the outset.

The most important aspect of a radio installation is the location and installation of the antenna.

This aspect is the most challenging and involves some of the following:

  • Location of antenna point
  • Type and length of the antenna
  • Length/type and routing of the antenna cable
  • Ground Plane aspects

Do some reading before attempting this aspect! The Antenna Guide on the radio Re

Written by:  - Updated 19 Jul, 2018 (Viewed 1839 times)