We Prepare

Hi ,

For those RAE students writing the Exam on the 13th, we wish you great success and look forward to hearing you on the air soon.

Please, will you give some feedback after the exam as to any aspects that we missed or questions that surprised you?

Ham Exam Prep is proud to have helped many of you and we hope you will continue to spread the word about the benefits of using our website as an adjunct to your lectures and notes.

Once again our thanks to all those lecturers who have given up their time to help the newbies into this exciting hobby.

The new site had gone from strength to strength since its relocation and we now have more than 600 questions in the bank and more than 3000 test recorded. We have over 100 active students and have had lots of input and made improvements to answer accuracy and spelling and grammar. Thank you to those who have given feedback, pointed out errors or made suggestions.

We are delighted to see the interest in the various Leader Boards and the competitive spirit. Please note that we will refresh these logs periodically to give the newer delegates a chance to become famous.

The site is not perfect and there is always scope for improvement, so I again extend the invitation to those with experience to step forward with new questions or to act as moderators.

One of the first new developments on the We Prepare site is a frequency checker where you can enter any frequency and immediately see where conflicts arise. This feature will in time also allow you to enter interesting frequencies that you find out there while surfing through the “airways”.

The new site is themed on the Urban Survivalist and this may resonate with some of you who have an interest in the subject. This is about is about common sense preparation for those reasonably probable events which may disrupt everyday living. Interesting stuff!

The role of amateur radio has an obvious link to this theme.

Kind Regards


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