Factors driving the so-called Prepper or Survivalist movement vary by country, by region and even by suburb. The Prepper movement has in some countries assumed cult proportions whilst in other areas it is nothing more than a fashionable hobby. We stand for the common sense reasonable man and not at either end of these extremes.

The amount of information, advice plans and gadgets available is overwhelming. The relevance of much of this information is frequently way off target in the local scenario and can result in significant fruitless expenditure and a false sense of security.

Then again, there is the also those who are driving the agenda of some or other political movement, cause or par-military group. This is not what this site is about.

The ordinary citizen has as little influence on the macroeconomic or political outcomes of the day as he has on preventing a flood or a tornado, He will, however, be affected by it and needs to take common-sense steps towards minimising the impact or consequences of the event, catastrophe or disruption.

Fake News

Fear, Uncertainty and Disinformation (FUD factor) is as alive and well as its ever been in history. The behaviour of ordinary law-abiding citizens in an emergency or a catastrophe is often beyond any reasonable scenario plan and driven by what they think rather than what is fact. We are awash with Information and Disinformation.and it is increasingly difficult to tell the difference.


Nevertheless one can reasonably anticipate power shortages, water supply disruptions and food supply shortages – yet the average household is poorly prepared for even these minor disruptions. Imagine if any one of these would manifest itself for days rather than hours- how would you cope?

Imagine the impact of being unable to buy common everyday groceries for 10 days? Or being without your current meds for 2 weeks?

A sustained Power outage will render your cell phone and your electric fence( if you have one) useless within just a day unless you have made an advance and sometimes expensive plans ahead of time

Imagine life without your cell phone, the TV or Radio and any form of communication whatsoever for 10 days? Many of us would enjoy the peace and quiet but the issue would be the sudden stop in the flow of information. When will services be restored? Where can one get food, water and medical services? Is the neighbourhood safe?

You need a Preparedness Plan

Preparedness Plan

Identify Risk areas

Assess and Reassess Probabilities

Consider Impacts and Mitigation

Take Reasonable Action

Your plan needs to be dynamic and updatable.

It is, in fact, the long-term vision of the site to provide you with a Tool to draft your plan and a mechanism to store and update it.

A Forum

This site provides a Forum for Discussion, sharing ideas and innovative local solutions.

A Communications Strategy

Rumours and Fake news are the inevitable consequence of a catastrophe which severs main communication channels such as Cell Phones, Land Lines, Commercial radio and Television. Here amateur radio, ham radio and organisations such as Hamnet form a vital link back to reality.

Amateur Radio

In a catastrophe, the need for an alternative communications strategy follows clearly from the above and amateur radio is recommended resource component of a comprehensive self-preservation strategy.  To this end, the site encourages members to procure the knowledge and licencing to operate an amateur radio station. See Ham Study in the main menu for tools available.

Risk Factors or Scenarios


Domestic Robberies and Break-ins

Home Invasions and Land Grabs

Cyber Attacks

Telephone/Cell Phone Network Failures

Power Outages 

Water and Sewerage Supply  Outages

Floods, Tornados and Severe Storms

Droughts and Water Shortages

Riots, Looting and Arson

Hazmat Incidents

Bombings and Shootings

Pandemics and Disease Outbreaks

2019-nCov virus causes COVID-19 disease.
Common reported symptoms based on 110,297 reported cases extrapolated from case studies and peer-reviewed articles in various scientific and medical journals.
Dry cough
Gastrointestinal issues. Nausea and diarrhoea (10% of people)
Achy Muscles

1-14 days incubation
20% may be asymptomatic carriers/spreaders
24-48 hours (maybe more) pre-symptomatic spreading.

80% very mild and recover at home in self-isolation without medical support
15% very ill and may need medical support and possibly oxygen
5% critical ill and will need lots of medical support to help them survive.

Current trends are 6,4 days doubling time in reported cases


Most effective means of preventing spreading and getting infected is to wash your hands and not touch your face.